3D PLUS a plus de 210 000 composants microélectroniques dans l’espace, et plus de 25 ans d’expérience de vol sans aucune défaillance signalée. Notre patrimoine de vol se développe continuellement avec des produits lancés dans l’espace tous les mois en orbites LEO, MEO et GEO, pour des missions d’exploration de l’espace lointain, pour des flottes de constellations de satellites, et pour des missions gouvernementales en Europe, en Amérique et en Asie. Nos missions phares comprennent Mars 2020, Mars Science Laboratory, Rosetta, New Horizons, Juno, OneWeb, AlphaSat, Sentinel, Ariane 5, ISS, Parker Solar Probe, Insight, et bien d’autres encore.
Demande d'information
Our Radiation Tolerant Low Voltage Differential Signal (LVDS) line drivers and receivers with 4 or 8 LVDS channels in a single highly miniaturized package, enabling the maximum area and weight savings for Space applications boards’ designs. They are available in a variety of temperature ranges and with a single power supply of 3.3V.
Devices are offered with standard SOP footprint for high resistance SMT assembly and for withstanding harsh thermal and mechanical environments. 3D PLUS LVDS products are used for high speed point-to-point interface in a variety of high performance digital electronics in all the space applications fields: sciences and deep space missions, Earth observation, navigation, launch and manned space vehicles.
Very high density – small footprint
>400 Mbps (200 MHz) switching rates
3.3V power supply
Ultra low power dissipation
Excellent differential skew and propagation delay
Compatible with IEEE 1596.3 SCI and ANSI/TIA/EIA-644 LVDS standard
Suitable for SpaceWire data links
Cold sparing for redundant system architectures
Radiation tolerance:
TID > 100 krad(Si)
SEL > 80MeV-cm²/mg
SEU Immune
Space quality level
Technology proven for 15 to 18 years missions in Space
Worldwide delivery guarantee
Each 3D PLUS standard product and SiP solution are defined by a specific part number based on the part number decoder provided below. The ordering information consist as a minimum of the following 3 items for fully define a product:
For High Reliability products or SiPs for Aerospace applications, a Source Control Drawing (SCD#) referenced 3DPA-xxxx is available for each product. It shall be used for its procurement in addition to other ordering information.
Interfaces Product Number Decoder
Drivers 3DLV3108VS1372
Receiver 3DLV3208VS1373
Drivers & Receiver 3DLV3304VS1374
Driver 3DLV3104VS1617
Receiver 3DLV3204VS1618
Driver & Receiver 3DLV3302VS1619
Repeater 3DLV3408VS1715
Other technical documentation is available under request: IBIS, RTL, Step and Mechanical file, Radiation Report.
3D PLUS proudly participates to the success of this mission by providing highly reliable and miniaturized LVDS