3D PLUS has more than 210,000 microelectronics components in space, and more than 25 years of flight heritage with no reported failure. Our Flight Heritage is expanding continuously with products launched in Space every month in LEO, MEO and GEO orbits, for deep space exploration missions, for satellite constellation fleets, and for governmental missions in Europe, America, and Asia. Our Flagship missions include Mars 2020, Mars Science Laboratory, Rosetta, New Horizons, Juno, OneWeb, AlphaSat, Sentinel, Ariane 5, ISS, Parker Solar Probe, Insight, and many more.
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Radiation-tolerant MRAM (Magneto Resistive Random Access Memory) from 3D PLUS provides high-reliability memory for space missions. MRAM stores data using magnetic polarization, making it an intrinsic radiation-hardened non-volatile memory cell that is immune to Single Event Upsets (SEUs) while offering SRAM-speed performance. Leveraging Everspin technology, these 3.3 V MRAM stacks ensure unlimited endurance, high data retention times, and versatile data bus widths : x8b, x16b, x32b or x40b. Ideal for space-grade memory solutions, they come in SOP packages designed for high-resistance Surface Mount Technology (SMT) assembly, ensuring they can endure the extreme thermal and mechanical environments of space.
First released in 2007, 3D PLUS MRAM memories have been successfully utilized in space missions such as Glonass, Sentinel 2, and KompSat-6. Its attributes underline MRAM’s importance as a radiation-tolerant, non-volatile memory, making it essential for modern space missions, especially for processor booting, program storage, and FPGA bitstream storage.
Highest density with smallest footprint ( more than 85% area savings on board)
Unlimited read/write endurance
20 years data retention
Small footprint
Radiation tolerance:
TID > 50krad (Si)
SEL LETth > 85 MeV.cm²/mg
SEU LETth > 85 MeV.cm²/mg (standby) 10 MeV.cm²/mg (dynamic); σsat = 2E-5 cm²/bit
No pure tin guarantee
Long life cycle products with proven reliability in Space
Large and worldwide flight heritage
Each 3D PLUS standard product and SiP solution are defined by a specific part number based on the part number decoder provided below. The ordering information consist as a minimum of the following 3 items for fully define a product:
For High Reliability products or SiPs for Aerospace applications, a Source Control Drawing (SCD#) referenced 3DPA-xxxx is available for each product. It shall be used for its procurement in addition to other ordering information. Memory Part Number Decoder
Sentinels are Earth observation missions developed by ESA for the Copernicus program. Sentinel-2 satellites are used for land (vegetation, soil, and coasts) monitoring.