About Us Environmental social & Governance


3D PLUS, as a responsible industry, has been committed for several years to the protection of the environment of goods and people.



3D PLUS, through its Quality System manager, is deeply involved in the European Union REACH regulation with the support of the French Space Agency with the aim of improving human health and the environment in the face of risk that can be posed by chemical.



Along with its parent company HEICO in the United States, 3D PLUS also supports Conflict Mineral.

The term Conflict Mineral refers to a raw material from a particular part of the world where a conflict occurs and affects the extraction and trade of these materials.



3D PLUS is still required to provide declarations regarding RoHS, REACH and halogen content. All this is linked to “green” initiatives, initiated mainly in the European market in relation to substances that are not environmentally friendly and, in many cases, are downright dangerous.

3D PLUS participates in GREEN initiatives and is committed to complying with regulations, 3D PLUS products are clearly identified as complying with regulations or not, depending on the customer’s needs. 3D PLUS products are clearly identify in accordance with the regulation or not depending the customer needs.