3D PLUS has more than 210,000 microelectronics components in space, and more than 25 years of flight heritage with no reported failure. Our Flight Heritage is expanding continuously with products launched in Space every month in LEO, MEO and GEO orbits, for deep space exploration missions, for satellite constellation fleets, and for governmental missions in Europe, America, and Asia. Our Flagship missions include Mars 2020, Mars Science Laboratory, Rosetta, New Horizons, Juno, OneWeb, AlphaSat, Sentinel, Ariane 5, ISS, Parker Solar Probe, Insight, and many more.
This index is made up of four numerical indicators (five for companies with more than 250 employees), for which companies obtain a maximum score out of 100 points. These indicators are:
In the event of an overall result below 85 points, the company must set and publish progress objectives for each of the index indicators.
3D PLUS obtained a score of 87 points out of 100, the overall level of which testifies to the company’s commitment to professional equality between women and men.