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Information note
Professional equality index for women / men 2023


This index is made up of four numerical indicators (five for companies with more than 250 employees), for which companies obtain a maximum score out of 100 points.
These indicators are:

  • Pay gap between women and men,  37/40
  • Difference in the rate of individual increases between women and men, 35/35
  • Percentage of employees who received a raise in the year following their return from maternity (or adoption) leave, 15/15
  • Number of employees of the under-represented sex among the ten employees having received the highest salaries. 0/10

In the event of an overall result below 85 points, the company must set and publish progress objectives for each of the index indicators.

3D PLUS obtained a score of 87 points out of 100, the overall level of which testifies to the company’s commitment to professional equality between women and men.