3D PLUS has more than 210,000 microelectronics components in space, and more than 25 years of flight heritage with no reported failure. Our Flight Heritage is expanding continuously with products launched in Space every month in LEO, MEO and GEO orbits, for deep space exploration missions, for satellite constellation fleets, and for governmental missions in Europe, America, and Asia. Our Flagship missions include Mars 2020, Mars Science Laboratory, Rosetta, New Horizons, Juno, OneWeb, AlphaSat, Sentinel, Ariane 5, ISS, Parker Solar Probe, Insight, and many more.
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The IRIS Camera family offers standard products targeting a wide range of imaging applications and are designed for space environment. Based on 3D PLUS standard CASPEX 4 Megapixels camera heads family, the IRIS Family provide full camera solutions to the users, associating the sensor and its electronics with space grade optical lenses assemblies and mechanical casing suitable for space environment.
The IRIS Space Cameras embed a standard CASPEX 4 Mpx camera heads with its standard FPGA design providing a SpaceWire Interface to the user. The camera head is shielded by a 5mm thick aluminum standard casing, providing additional radiation shielding to the electronics, as well as an efficient mechanical and thermal interface to the spacecraft. Several standard optical assemblies are available to equip the camera to target a wide range of applications.
The IRIS Space Cameras are generic products, suitable for multiple space applications such as scientific imaging, platform and payload monitoring, startracking or navigation applications, and are already selected for multiple missions covering these applications. The design of their different parts, especially the camera heads, for space environment allows for 3D PLUS Cameras to be used in LEO, GEO or deep-space mission and already benefits from qualification campaigns of multiple missions.
Space Qualified CASPEX 4Mpx Camera Head:
Multiple space grade optical lenses assemblied
Full casing design
Operating temperature range :
Compact design
* Depending on optical lenses assembly
Enhanced radiation performances:
Each 3D PLUS standard product and SiP solution are defined by a specific part number based on the part number decoder provided below. The ordering information consist as a minimum of the following 3 items for fully define a product:
For High Reliability products or SiPs for Aerospace applications, a Source Control Drawing (SCD#) referenced 3DPA-xxxx is available for each product. It shall be used for its procurement in addition to other ordering information. Camera Part Number Decoder
Other technical documentation is available under request: IBIS, RTL, Step and Mechanical file, Radiation Report.