Credits: CNSA

3D PLUS celebrates its first space flight heritage for FUSIO RT

3D PLUS celebrates its first space flight heritage for FUSIO RT

Buc, May 14 2024. 3D PLUS is thrilled to announce that the Chinese Chang´e 6 space mission, launched on May 3rd 2024, marks a significant milestone for our company. This mission represents the first space flight heritage for our component FUSIO RT which integrates the NG-MEDIUM FPGA from NanoXplore. The development of the NG-MEDIUM component was supported by CNES, European Space Agency – ESA and the European Union.

This achievement is a testament to the hard work and dedication of all the European companies and institutions involved in creating and making available these new European space FPGAs. 3D PLUS is proud to be at the forefront of this groundbreaking mission and celebrate this remarkable achievement.

The FUSIO RT component, along with other 3D PLUS products such as RIMC SDRAM and POL Converters, are on board the Chang’e 6 spacecraft in the French DORN instrument. DORN, developed by IRAP, looks to measure the radioactive gases emitted by the lunar soil in the Dark Side of the Moon. This would be a proof of the reliability and performance of our components in these very challenging environments.

Furthermore, the Chang’e 6 probe is as well equipped with cutting-edge technology provided by 3D PLUS. In addition to FUSIO RT, the space probe features essential components including the memories EEPROM, NAND FLASH, SRAM, and NOR FLASH from 3D PLUS, which serve the crucial purpose of data storage and processing to ensure perfect execution of the mission.

This milestone for FUSIO RT demonstrates the dedication and expertise of all involved at 3D PLUS, setting a new standard for space components.

As we celebrate this momentous occasion, we look forward to further opportunities to highlight the capabilities of 3D PLUS components in space missions around the world. We are committed to providing innovative solutions that push the boundaries of what is possible in space exploration and satellite technology.