3D PLUS has more than 210,000 microelectronics components in space, and more than 25 years of flight heritage with no reported failure. Our Flight Heritage is expanding continuously with products launched in Space every month in LEO, MEO and GEO orbits, for deep space exploration missions, for satellite constellation fleets, and for governmental missions in Europe, America, and Asia. Our Flagship missions include Mars 2020, Mars Science Laboratory, Rosetta, New Horizons, Juno, OneWeb, AlphaSat, Sentinel, Ariane 5, ISS, Parker Solar Probe, Insight, and many more.
Since the creation in 1995, 3D PLUS has prided itself on providing outstanding service to its customers. All teams in direct connections with customers have always been listening customers and supporting them from the design to the aftermarket sales. 3D PLUS is worldwide recognized for its outstanding customer service and has historically been many times congratulated from its major customers, through customer survey or meetings, for its excellence in customer support.
3D PLUS strives to supply defect-free products with the highest levels of quality and reliability. Should a product not operate according to the customer expectations in their systems, investigation and analysis is handled by our Failure Analysis and Returned Material Acceptance (RMA) system. 3D PLUS field sales and applications groups work closely with the customer to determine the root cause of failures. However, if further analysis is required, the 3D PLUS Quality group procedure should be used and the suspect parts to be analyzed are returned to 3D PLUS factory.
We ask our customers to provide detailed information on any product returned for analysis in order to ease the fastest response and closure.
3D PLUS places top priority on providing quick containment and quick initial feedback (24hours) to our customers.
A specific process to return materials already delivered to customers is in place at 3D PLUS. Return Material Acceptance can be authorized in different cases:
Depending the case, 3D PLUS will issue a RMA, to authorized customer return to 3D PLUS and ensure good traceability of customer product property.For some countries with the military grade -55°C or +125°C products will have to go through customs with a specific procedure. In this case directions will be transmitted by 3D PLUS to customer prior return.
When customer ship us back products with authorized RMA for Failure analysis purpose, 3D PLUS will open a Non-Conformance Report with a chronologic number. 3D PLUS will conduct the necessary actions to complete properly the failure analysis with the 8D problem solving methodology, and issue a failure analysis report with a statement of either customer responsibility or 3D PLUS responsibility. 3D PLUS will ask customer agreement prior any destructive analysis activity. In all cases 3D PLUS responsibility will conduct to internal corrective actions to eradicate the concern. In some cases, 3D PLUS may alert other customers about the concern.
3D PLUS has complemented the results obtained via scorecards with 1 annual customer satisfaction survey process with our Sales Representatives during our yearly Sales Meeting. 3D PLUS is going to conduct same type of survey with direct customer contact from its web site.
3D PLUS reinforced its customer campaign training in 2012 in order to help the users to store, assemble and control 3D PLUS products on board. Today on regular basis , trainings are performed for clients at customer place or at 3D PLUS, on several topics such as Storage, Manual and Automatic Assembly, visual inspection and Documentation review.
A dedicated training center at 3D PLUS in now operational for 8 people at a time.
All 3D PLUS modules Space “S”, Commercial “N” and Industrial “B” grade Hi rel products from DC1717 are laser engraved on top with part number, 3D PLUS logo, date code defined as (YYWW), serial number.
Few exception does have identification on one vertical face of the module due to the design of electrical signals.
Commercial space grade is all laser engraved on top with part number, 3D PLUS logo, date code defined as (YYWW).
Few exception does have identification on one vertical face of the module due to the size of the module and the design of electrical signals.
The serial number can be identifying at the bottom of the module prior mounting with four digits.
Industrial products are thinner and therefore less area on top to place complete part number. It is sometimes shrink (3D) at the beginning, nevertheless you will find 3D PLUS logo, date code defined as (YYWW), serial number with four digits.
Any time you can ask for traceability search, all records are stored electronically with backup fully recovered twice a year.
The assembly recommendation are listed below for each product type.